Dear Supporter, President Obama has called for questions from the public about the economy. He'll be answering some on national TV tomorrow night. We know that reducing and preventing violence has the potential of saving hundreds of billions of dollars each year, so we want him to answer a question about the Department of Peace. Carol Hillson of New York has posted a question on Go there today and vote up her question. It's simple: - Go to
- Search on Department of Peace and vote YES (click on the check box to the right of the question; you may need to log in/create an account, which is really simple!)
Try to do this today--Wednesday, March 25--as the President will be on TV tomorrow. Even if you can't to it today, do it anyway; we want this issue to continue to be in front of the White House as much as possible. Thank you for taking action for peace! In gratitude, Wendy Greene Managing Director •ABOUT THE LEGISLATION There is currently a bill before Congress to establish a federal Department of Peace to reduce and prevent violence in the United States and abroad. It will work to expand the nation's capacity to strategically develop and apply practical, cost-effective and proven means of resolving conflict before it erupts into violence. It will provide unprecedented financial and institutional heft to strengthen and complement our current approaches to violence, focusing on prevention through multi-layered nonviolent strategies. Domestically, the Department will develop policies and allocate resources to support local communities in finding, funding and replicating effective violence-reduction and prevention programs. Internationally, the Department will focus on understanding and addressing the root causes of violence, providing the President and Congress with expert resources for nonviolently defusing international crises and conflicts. A Peace Academy, on par with the military service academies, will provide a four-year course of instruction after which graduates will serve five years in public service programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution. Learn more at The Peace Alliance website. Join us now. Create a Department of Peace. Help make history. Together, we can do this. •HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE LEGISLATION: - Develop a coordinated, strategic, sophisticated approach to expanding our nation's ability to nonviolently resolve conflict before it erupts into violence
- Provide much-needed assistance to city, county and state governments in finding, funding and expanding programs that are proven effective at reducing and preventing violence
- Teach violence prevention and mediation to America's school children and teachers
- Support the use of programs proven to reduce prison re-offending (recidivism) rates
- Support our military with new peacebuilding capabilities desperately needed in the war on terror
- Create and administer a U.S. Peace Academy to ensure the development and application of the very best nonviolent resources in conflict resolution
- And more…
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