

Attitudes that Attract Success

  • Negative thoughts is what people believe in when they can't make their positive thoughts come true..
  • The best way to sabotage yourself is to underestimate the power of your own thoughts.
  • It is only your very own thoughts that stop your dreams from coming true, nothing else, just your thoughts.
  • The only reason your dreams don't come true is because you give up on them before they do.
  • It's hard to believe we hold back the good we want by the thoughts we choose to think about the most but we do.
  • I always bless what troubles me and when I do, what troubles me disappears from view.
  • The 'critic in your mind' has the power to create an undesirable reality for you if you allow it too.
  • Focusing on what you don't want will attract more things into your life that you don't want...
  • Whatever you see in your imagination as a 'done deal' will become reality for you. It can be no other way for it is the law.
  • The only reason your life is not exactly the way you want it to be is because you have given your power away to other people.
  • Good feelings tell you that your thoughts are taking you in the direction you want to go.
  • Your feelings are always telling you if you are on-track or off track with how you are thinking.
  • The moment you make 'what you think' more important than 'what you feel' is the moment you begin creating problems for yourself.
  • Feeling good is the most important thing for it will attract to you all the good things..

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