

Let's Talk About Worry? Why???

Let's Talk About Worry? Why???? Because so many of us do it.

I think if we understand our beliefs associated with worry, we will understand why we worry and what we can do to stop worrying or at least worry a whole lot less.

Let's start with the dictionary definition of the word worry. According to the dictionary, the word 'worry' means to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts

Many people worry because they believe it is inevitable, if not necessary. After all, everyone they know worries, so it only makes sense they should worry too. And if they didn't worry, they might secretly believe there is something wrong with them.

There are folks who believe worrying (feeling bad) is a requirement to solve something that is troubling them. Worry, in fact, is the way we avoid feeling other things such as guilt, anxiety and depression about a person, circumstance or situation that is troubling us.

Worry, guilt, anxiety and depression have one thing in common, they are a result of fear thoughts that enter our mind that we resist. The more we resist fear thoughts, the stronger they become.


We started worrying the moment we decided we should resist some thoughts and allow other thoughts.

What makes us resist a worry thought is fear. The worry thought scares us and instead of allowing the thought to harmlessly pass out of our mind we engage the thought in conversation.

Insane, huh?

Engaging a thought in conversation, arguing with it and then losing that argument.

When we argue with a thought that scares us, it always wins, no exceptions

Worry is resisted thought we believe can harm us. Worry thoughts can only harm us if we resist them. If we quit resisting what we worried about, we wouldn't worry any more. The more we resist worrying, the more we worry.

One of the easiest way to dismiss 'worry thoughts' from your mind is to write them down. Writing down your 'worry thoughts' immediately make them seem smaller to you. Writing your worries down also make them more tangible to you so you can see exactly what is going on in your mind that is troubling you. And once you know exactly what is troubling you, you can take inspired action to correct the problem.


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