

Bad NEWS, Very Bad News

If you are reading this because the subject line read: 'Bad NEWS,
Very Bad News'
  there is a good chance that you are a person:

A. Who lives in fear

B.  Who is attracted, mesmerized or hypnotized by fear.

C. Who watches and read stories about other people's fears so you don't feel so all alone with your own fears.

If you fear bad news then according to the law of attraction you will attract bad news into your life in one form or another. I am as big of a skeptic as they come. After five years of personally testing out the law of attraction, I have no doubt that the law is real and that it works, for better or worse, every single time without fail. In other words, we attract into our lives what we think about the most, no exceptions.

We have many fears that we resist and yet it's our resistance to fear that keeps us stuck attracting fear into our life.

The fear of not having enough money.

The fear of getting sick.

The fear of losing our job

The fear of someone we love getting seriously hurt .

The fear of living alone.

The fear of dying.

The fear of never being fully loved.

Our fears can be endless and yet when we consciously embrace our fears (rather than resist them) we remove all the negative energy from them and render them completely harmless.

Once we do that, those thoughts have no choice but to leave us alone because they no longer have any energy in them that will allow them to remained attached to our mind or harm us in any way.

Negative feelings are the  super-glue that  keeps thoughts stuck to us that we do not want.  When you can't dissolve your fears using any other method,  embracing your fears will dissolve them instantly.


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