

Repeat After Me, Money is a Piece of Green Paper

Money is a piece of green paper. Repeat after me, money is a piece of green paper and in and of itself, it has no power at all.

Money is a symbol of the things people want but, in and of itself, it has no power at all. Logically this concept is easy to grasp but emotionally not so easy... People have more emotional bull dung around money than almost anything else including sex.

If money is a piece of green paper then why do so many people want it? They want it because of what it represents. Money represents power, freedom and love.... AND that is what people want....

When people don't have money, it makes them feel powerless, unloved and they are left with the feeling they don't have the freedom to do what they want to do when they want to do it.

Focus on power, freedom and love and money will come to you in abundance. You create the feelings of power, freedom and love within yourself and when you do that the symbol of those things called money will start showing up in your life spontaneously.

Focus on your inner power, focus on your inner freedom and focus on the love that already exist inside of yourself and money will no longer be an issue for you.

BUT, BUT, you protest, I want money first! You want money first because emotionally your are convinced that without money you can never have any real power, freedom and love in your life. If you believe you must have money first in order to have the things you really want, the world has fooled you into believing the lies around money rather than the truth about money.

If you FEEL you have "the right" to experience yourself as the powerful, lovable, free person that you are, money, the symbol, will begin flowing into your life, naturally. of its own accord.

When you begin FEELING prosperous, in your inner world, you will begin experiencing prosperity in your outer world.


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