

Is Life hard For You? It Doesn't Have To Be....

Question: Why is life hard for me?

Answer: Life is hard for you because you don't trust the higher part of yourself, that part of yourself that is connected to the organizing intelligence of the universe, the power behind all things both in heaven and on earth. You are made, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, in the image and likeness of this power yet you deny this truth repeatedly. As a result of denying this truth, life is hard for you.

You are connected to the 'cosmic mind' in very real and tangible ways This part of your mind has the answers to all the challenges life has thrown your way and yet your denial of your connection to this benevolent power prevents you from experiencing MIRACLES, small and large, each day of your life.

Reconnection to this power is simple. Suspend judgments, open your heart, trust and allow the music and peace within you to move you down the path of life that is the right path for you.
If you are not experiencing music and peace within you right now that means you are on a path of life that is not the right path for you. If that's the case for you, it's time to question the path you are on and make the changes necessary that will allow you to dance to the music in your soul that makes your heart soar.


The Shift, Rated 5 Stars



  1. reading your writings has changed my thoughts without even realising..

  2. Shenel, I am glad you have benefited from my writings. Adding to the happiness and peace of mind of others adds to my own... :)
