

Be Grateful For Your Dis-ease.

Disease is not punishment from God.
Disease does not mean you are flawed.
Disease does not mean you did something wrong.
Disease is not a bad thing.
Disease is not cured by doctors or drugs alone.
Disease is not terminal unless you believe it is...

Here is what dis-ease is: In its simplest form, disease is a result of people being ill at ease with themselves. If you are not at peace with yourself, disease shows up in your physical body not as punishment but to show you the way to a better life than the one you were living before. A life free from the stress, anxiety and worry that contributed to your disease showing up in your life in the first place.

Disease makes you re-evaluate your life and what you think you know. Disease makes you stop long enough to question the things you have been doing for years that have not satisfied you. Disease give you the time to think about yourself and your needs rather than ignoring them.

Disease is a benevolent teacher, in disguise, that wants to teach you how to get in touch with your authentic power so you can create your future life exactly the way you want it to be.

I have had to deal with my share of illness down through the years and I can tell you from first hand experience, doctors and drugs, alone, do not cure disease. They are God's helpers but it is ourselves, working in partnership with God, who creates the conditions that establishes fully restored health in our physical body.
Our part in curing ourselves of disease is to understand all the blessings our disease is lavishing upon us. When you understand what a incredible blessing your disease is, it will disappear from your life as quickly as it came into your life and you will miss it when it is gone.


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