

Guilt is Man-Made

Guilt was created by man to control his fellowman (woman).  If God created guilt it would work on everyone including terrorist, criminals and psychopaths, it obvious doesn't.  For a decent person, like yourself, all guilt is good for is to make sure you do over and over again what makes you feel guilty. That way, you will always be controlled by the person who triggers your guilt even if they are dead or  have been gone from your life years ago. 

Feeling guilty because you do things that you feel are bad for you (like eating or drinking too much or overdoing your meds) only keeps you doing those things over and over again. Guilt triggers your desire to excessively comfort yourself because guilt makes you feel shamed and dirty, unfit for the human race.

Guilt in its simplest form is your secret fear that God doesn't love you because you falsely believe that in his eyes you are not good enough to be unconditionally loved and accepted by him. To that I say hogwash! 

God does not created something he hates or would reject, he only creates what he loves. In the future, when guilt comes to visit you, remember, guilt is not of God, it man-made. It is made and used by men to control their fellowmen and for no other reason.

Instead of using guilt to make you feel less than the outstanding person you truly are, use Guilt as an ALERT signal to focus on how magnificent, beautiful and lovable you are. If you do that, then in accordance with to the law of attraction, what you choose to focus your attention on the most will become your reality. And soon the day will come when you see in yourself what God sees in you, that you are magnificent, powerful and lovable to the core.   

Create Real Magic With Love

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