

His thoughts about 'Feeling Bad' left me SPEECHLESS

He said: 'I don't want to feel good'. I asked him why. 

He said; 'feeling bad is safe for me. I can't be hurt if I feel bad. Feeling bad is familiar to me. Feeling bad is comfortable to me. Every time I felt good during my growing up years, bad things happened to me. It just wasn't safe for me to feel good. I have survived by feeling bad. When I felt bad, growing up, people left me alone. When I felt good, people criticized me, put me down and bad things happened to me. It is just safer for me to feel bad. There is no logical reason for me to feel good when feeling bad works for me. For me, feeling bad is better than feeling nothing at all.  

My question about this conversation I had with the gentleman is how do you respond to it? 
His thoughts about feeling bad left me speechless.



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