

I like the way this college student thinks. AMAZING!

I agree with this college student's way of thinking. I am not part of the privileged few nor
am I a part of the 99%, I am myself in all respects - Frederick Zappone




  1. The problem with his logic is that fact he is in receipt of two scholarships. Those scholarships are highly competitive so even if everybody worked as hard as he did only a fraction would get the money. It ends up a Red Queen's race where you run faster and faster to stay in the same place.

    There is also a good chance that even with high grades from a mid-level university this person won't be able to find a job when he leaves university. Even if he does scrape by working many low-paying jobs they may not give him things like health insurance meaning he is one accident away from complete ruin even after all his hard work.

    The OccupyWallSt movement can be silly at times. It is ideological and idealistic and therefore some of its demands are dumb and unrealistic. However, the core message of it - that the vast majority of people are being exploited for the benefit of very few - is a real issue. The fact is that the person who wrote that sign will probably face hardship in his life through no fault of his own. Civilised societies help people who fall on hard times. There is nothing impressive about having contempt for the weak or downtrodden.

  2. In addition to the points already raised by another anonymous user, the person behind the poster received the scholarships likely because s/he was raised in conditions that allowed her/him to attend a school in which a good standard of education was available. Besides, the argument is based on the assumption that a high school student (or younger) does not have to work or perhaps take care of parents, siblings, or others.

    The assumption behind "graduating debt free" is that every other person has the ability to reach that point, when others' social conditions may not actually allow that.

  3. Both of the people who commented anonymously made very good points.

    For myself, I am not against the Occupy Wall Street movement and I am not for greed or excess. I am for self-reliance and not setting myself up so the establishment can make me suffer or hurt me in any way.

    I am not dependent on bankers, wall street or the government to take care of me. I made the choice to have no debt by living an minimalist life. If I can't pay cash for it, I do without.

    Frederick Zappone, Blog Author
    Check out my Feeling Good, No Matter What, Newsletter

  4. Frederick if you're not against OccupyWallSt then why did you make this post? The idea of self-reliance is an appealing one but it is also largely impossible in today's world. The government has the power to make anyone suffer and hurt, even hard-working people, even people with a 'minimalist lifestyle'. That is why protests like OccupyWallSt are important. They are confronting government power and demanding it be used for the good of everybody not just those with enough money to make their voice ring out the loudest.

  5. no one cares how you get by as long as you do just that. this kid needs to take out a loan, they'll live longer if they do.


    I posted two other comments here but trashed them because I have lost my ability to write today. Lol

    Anonymous, regarding your comment about why I posted this pic. I posted it because I like it and because I agree with it.

    In all fairness, in the same blog entry, I just now posted a 'counterpoint' pic that I like just as much as the first one I posted.

    Regarding self-reliance, it is my opinion that If you make up your mind to be self-reliant there is always a way. I don't think it is any harder today to be self-reliant than it was a hundred years ago. I do think self-reliance today requires us to train ourselves to see infinite possibilities for self-reliance where others only see obstacles and roadblocks.

    That's my story and I am sticking too it.. :)
