

Tips for Feeling GOOD!

1. It is easy to feel good if you ALLOW yourself to feel good.
2. It take a lot of hard work and a lot of hard thinking to feel bad.
3. Focus only on what you DO WANT and dismiss what you don't want as not worthy of you.
4. You don't have to plead, beg or make bargains with the Universe (God), only ask for help and it is yours.
5. Feeling fear is an ALERT signal to feel FAITH..
6. The law states focusing on negative things will make you feel negative, no exceptions.
7. Trust the organizing intelligence of the universe to help you and you will never be disappointed.
8. Whatever you believe becomes your reality therefore only believe good things about yourself.
9. Quit buying the idea that you are defective in some way. (It's your past creation, re-creating itself)

At some point, in our lives, each one of us had the thoughts that we weren't good enough, worthy enough or deserving enough. And from those thoughts, over time, a constant stream of proof and evidence showed up in our lives that proved to us what we feared most about ourselves. This kind of negative evidence and proof will reverse itself once you quit 'buying' it. When you quit buying into the evidence that you are flawed or defective in some way, evidence and proof will start showing up in your life that you are good enough,worthy enough and deserving enough. 

According to your thoughts and beliefs so shall it be....and it ALWAYS is......


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