

Gratitude produces MIRACLES but not for everyone. WHY?

We hear lots of talk about how important it is to be grateful.  We hear people proclaim the 'miracles' that have taken place, in their lives, because they developed the attitude of gratitude... And yet there are some people gratitude doesn't work for....  And they don't know why.....

Why gratitude doesn't work for some folks is simple. Expressing words of gratitude doesn't makes gratitude work, it is about FEELING the gratitude that makes it work. 

Feeling grateful is like feeling love, if you don't feel it, it is not real to you. You see when we feel gratitude, those feelings acting like cosmic magnets reach out to furthest corners of the universe and bring back into our lives more good things to be grateful for.... How gratitude does this is beyond my ability to explain it to you, I just know Gratitude works when you genuinely feel it.   

Don't take my word for it.  List one thing in the comment section of this post that you are genuinely grateful for today. List the one thing today where you can honestly FEEL the gratitude... After that, privately,  do it once a day for five days and on then on the sixth day come back to this blog and  report the good things gratitude brought into your life.

 Expressing sincere gratitude (feeling it) for what we have guarantees we will attract more good things into our lives to be grateful for..


  1. I am truly grateful for rain....

  2. I'm having trouble with gratitude. first I thought I was insincere because each time I show gratitude I get negative results and now I'm frustrated. I was really depressed recently and I decided to raise my vibration with gratitude. I was thankful that home is safe and I felt it.I even felt a lightness in my heart when I got home someone had broken in.what I'm finding is the very thing I am most grateful for is what goes awry. So I need help understanding and does this happen to other s

    1. Yes it does happen to others. The answer is: being grateful for things gone wrong in your life will make them turn out right. What seems like a bad thing (right now) with gratitude will turn a bad thing into a 'blessing in disguise' that you can't see yet. Only use gratitude if it feels good to you and works for you. For some people, gratitude doesn't get the job done. What is most important is doing what makes you feel good as often as possible..
