Answer: A job, often times, promises riches but it is very conditional promise, subject to change, 'without notice. The 'conditional promise' employees often times hear is that they will get a big raise or even get rich with the company if they work long enough and hard enough. For the most part, these are empty promises that keep people living in hope that next year will be different; that next year they will make more money or that next year they will get that big promotion they were promised.
I know of one man, in particular, whose boss promised him a promotion and a $15,000 raise if he would be willing to wait a year. That was 5 years ago and the boss is still promising and the man is still living in hope that the promise will come true. Anyone, on the outside, can see that the promise is nothing more than a con job that keeps this man living in hope. In the meantime, this man has lost five years of his life being held hostage to a false promise.
You don't have to live in hope or be held hostage by false promises from others once you reclaim your power to make all the money you want to make when you want to make it. You can reclaim and take back the power you projected into money anytime you choose to do so. That is, unless you like being an economic slave to a corporation that underpays you, overworks you, makes huge profits off of your best efforts and can, without warning, throw you out on the street the moment they decide they no longer require your services.
Money is a piece of green paper, period, end of story. The only power money has is the power YOU give it and you have given it plenty of power. Like so many people, before you, you have turned your "personal power" away from yourself and projected it into a piece of paper called money. The moment you made the decision to "project your personal power" away from yourself and into money (a decision you made during your growing up years) you gave up your rights and privileges to have any real power over money.
It amazes me that a silly piece of green paper which has no power, in and of itself, now has the power to make or break your life. It is a piece of paper you worry about, lose sleep over and causes you to feel anxious and depressed when you feel like you don't have enough of it. You are also afraid of losing your job, not because of the job itself but because of the money you receive from it. The only reason you work at a job is because you have no confidence in yourself to be the creator and source of your own money, independent of anything outside yourself
Since the time you made that decision to give your personal power away to money, you have blindly believed all the hype, con, lies and false promises about money. You have also accepted the self-defeating beliefs of others that there are only a limited number of ways you can create wealth for yourself or that you must have a special talent to do so.
Being rich and prosperous has nothing to do with luck, hard work, being smart enough or having a special talent. You only have to be true to yourself to make a lot of money and you can accomplish this goal in an infinite variety of ways.
The only limits to creating the wealth you desire are the limits you place on yourself. If you want to become financially independent, I highly recommend you understand your relationship with money and fall madly in love with money. The book Money LOVE will make that possible for you.
This is a book about loving money. And no. Loving money is not the root of all evil. Evil is the root of all evil. Money just makes evil more evil. But it also makes love more lovely. Generosity more possible. And you, more able to express who you already are. What we do with our money matters.
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