One of the most powerful and thoughtless (unconscious) relationships we have is with money. Money is like air to us. We don't give it much conscious thought unless we don't have enough of it, then we worry about it, get upset with it, curse the lack of it. We love having it and hate not knowing how to get more of it quickly. Money causes people immense amounts of pain. In fact, thinking about money is so painful for some people that they would rather think about anything except money.
Anything negative you think about money has nothing to do with money. It has to do with how you feel about you and rather than be responsible for how you feel about you, you BLAME money.
WAKE UP FOLKS.... Money is made up of paper, metal coins and numbers, it has no power at all EXCEPT....and this is the big except, EXCEPT for your power that you project into it...
Any bad feelings you have about money are bad feelings you have about yourself...and until you change those bad feelings you have about yourself, the money you want will always stay at a distance from you, always just outside your reach. WHY? Because it is psychologically impossible to attract the money you want when you are in conflict with it in any way.
Everything you know about money your learned from your parents and what most people learned about money from their parents was how to feel powerless around it, hate it, fear it and argue about it.
The company you work for, in reality, is nothing more than an psychological extension of your very own family that took care of you, financially, during your growing up years. The company you work for represents the power and authority of your mother and father, in disguise.
You are loyal to the corporation like you were with your parents, loyal but not too loyal. You have a similar type of love/hate relationship with the corporation as you had with your parents. You are afraid of the corporation much like you were afraid of your parents. You need the security of a regular paycheck the same way you needed the security of knowing your parents would feed you and keep a roof over your head. The corporation has the same control over your life as your parents once did. They set all the rules and regulations concerning money and if you disobey them, like your parents, they have the power to punish you. This is a result of you giving away your power to the green stuff, called money, early in your life.
Let me be your Money Coach and show you how to have a POWERFUL and FUN relationship with money that will make it easy for you to create as much wealth for yourself as you can possibly handle.
To get started having me coach you, contact me by clicking here
-- Frederick Zappone
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