

Whoever said Money Can't Buy Happiness is 'BUTT NAKED' Wrong. (Article)

Money buys happiness, it absolutely does...... and you don't have to have it in the form of paper, coins or electronic digits listed in an online banking account to allow money to make you happy right now. Money making you happy begins with your thoughts about money. Thoughts about money that make you happy results in the money showing up in your outer world every single time, without fail...

Everything is create twice, first mentally, then physically... everything, no exceptions. If you want to create money in your outer world, you MUST successfully create it in your inner world...  The more successful you are at creating it in your inner world, the more money you will see in your outer world....

If you can't see yourself having the amount of money you want as a done deal in your mind (your inner world), you will never see it in your outer world.  This rule not only applies to money, it also applies to getting a job, have the loving relationship you want or achieving fully restored health.


Everything in life is created twice, first mentally, then physically, there are no exceptions to this rule...   


1 comment:

  1. F.S. Fitzgerald: "The rich are different."
    E. Hemingway: "Yes, they have more money."
