

The Truth About Money - Part 2

Growing up, money was something other people controlled. 

The people in our lives used money to manipulate and control 
our behavior and thinking. Here are examples of things we 
heard about money during our growing up years

Example #1 - If you do this, I'll give you X amount of money 

( Allowance or money equivalent)

Example #2 - If you don't do this,  I will withhold  from you X amount of money.  

(Allowance or money equivalent)

Example #3 - If you behave yourself, I will give you X amount of money. 

(Allowance, money equivalent or gift of money)

Example #4 - If you continue to misbehave, I will take your privileges away from you which includes money and how you spend it.

We all wanted to grow up and get out from underneath the controlling ways of our parents in regards to money. We wanted to become independent of them and we did or so we thought. We went to work for a corporation, and without realizing it, the company we work for uses money the same way, our parent did,  to control our thinking and behavior. The fact is,  the company you work for is nothing more than psychological extension of your very own parents. To read the article that explains how the company you work for functions as parent substitute for you in your adult world, read Part 1 of my article titled:  The Truth About Money Shall Set You Free But First it Will Piss You off.  Click link to read:

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