

I am DESPERATE, is that okay to say.

Is it okay to be desperate?
Is it okay to pretend I'm not desperate?

QUESTION: What happens when I pretend that I am not  desperate and squash my feelings of desperation?  

ANSWER: Your desperation increases and your condition or circumstances continues to get worse and worse.

QUESTION: What happens when I allow myself  to experience my feelings of desperation rather than resist them or pretend they do not exist?  ANSWER: Your feelings of desperation begin to soften and dissolve.  The major benefit of owning up to your desperate feelings (rather than resisting them) is your body begins to relax which then allows your mind to come up with creative ways to get your needs meet.  

If you have questions about successfully dealing with feelings of desperation, post them in the comment section. I will be glad to answer them for you.

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