

Naked Truth about why life is BURNING you OUT.

People are extraordinarily selfish, that includes you and me. Everything we do, including things we do for other people, is for selfish reasons. 

We don't do anything for anyone unless there is something in it for us. And anyone who tells you they give just to give and expect nothing back in return are full of shit and kidding no one but themselves.  

We are 'hard wired' to be selfish. We have no choice but to be selfish...  Once you get that into your thick head, you will become the master of your life rather than continuing to be a victim of life.

How do I know we are 'hard wired' to be selfish?  That's easy to answer. We are 'hard wired' to be selfish because the most selfish person in the whole Universe is our creator, the one who made us.  

Our creator made us in his image and likeness to adore and serve him, does anything get more selfish than that? Can we be any less selfish than the one who made us, I think not.

People think about themselves and their needs 98% of the time. Yes, they appear to care about your needs, from time to time, but only as long as it helps them get their needs met. 

The bottom line is no one gives a shit about you beyond how you make them feel. If you make people feel good they will keep you in their life but if you make them feel bad, often enough, they will kick you out of their life. Why? Because that is the nature of who we are, selfish people 'hard wired' to take good care of ourselves.  The alternative to being selfish is to allow people to abuse and use you endlessly.

Life burns you out when you give people what they want but they never give back to you what you want. 

If people aren't give back to you what you want, in equal measure, they are the wrong people to have in your life.

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