

A Simple Article that teaches you how to EASILY attract an ABUNDANCE of love, health and money into your life

How many of you understand that if you come from the place of abundance inside of you, you will attract abundance outside of you.  If you don't understand this, continue reading.

There are places inside of you that create the REALITY outside of you.  You have plenty of experience with one of those places and it is the place called lack.  Every time you worry, you are experiencing the lack vibration. Every time you are anxious, you are experiencing the lack vibration. Every time you are fearful, you are experiencing the lack vibration. Every time you experience struggle, you are experiencing the lack vibration. And every time you experience the lack vibration you cause lack to manifest itself your physical reality.

You say you don't want lack in your life but you are addicted to feelings of lack. You have been addicted to them from a very young age when society began programming you to become addicted to them. That is the predominate feeling most of you have known since childhood.


When you worry about love, money or health, you are coming from the lack feeling.  If it wasn't for the feeling of lack, you wouldn't worry at all.  

Society has convinced you that there is a lack of love, health and money in this world. Once they convince you of lack, they make huge profits off of your feelings of lack.  One example. The health profession scares you into spending tons of money on your health because they have convinced you that you lack the ability to heal yourself. 

The company you work for has convinced you that without them you would have a lack of money.  And the saddest lack of all is people believing their is a lack of love in this world. Because you believe in a lack of love you suffer from a lack of it and that causes you all kinds of  unnecessary mental and emotional problems. That's the bad news.

The good news is there's place inside of you called ABUNDANCE. 

Abundance has a completely different feel to it than lack does.  The abundance feeling causes you to experience a worry free life. Abundance attracts inspired thoughts into your mind that allow you to create all the abundance you can handle in all areas of your life. 

The place of abundance inside of you makes you feel free to be you. To experience the place of abundance inside of you, you have to take your FOCUS off of the lack feeling inside of you.

Where do you predominately feel the lack feeling in your body? 

In order for the 'lack feeling' to be real to you, you must feel it somewhere in your body. Some people experience the 'lack feeling' in their solar plexus. Other people experience it around the heart area and still others feel it in their head.  Where the lack feeling shows up in the body is a bit different for everyone.  

Once you know where you experience the lack feeling in your body TAKE YOUR FOCUS OFF IT... and find the place in your body that feels peaceful and calm. That place is where the abundance feeling lives in your body... And the more you focus on the abundance feeling in that part of your body, the more it will increase in size and intensity...  

Practice a little each day coming from the abundance feeling inside of you and before you know you will be attracting abundance from sources unexpected, unexpectedly...  You will begin attracting all the love, health and money you want in ways that will, often time, defy all of your logical explanations. Making the transition from experiencing feelings lack and scarcity to experiencing feelings of abundance and prosperity on a regular basis takes practice but it is so worth it.. - Frederick Zappone

Frederick, your writings inspire me.  Here is a donation in support of your inspirational writings coming from the abundance I feel inside inside of me

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