

WARNING - WARNING - WARNING: The warning I am about to share with you will make you more POWERFUL than you were before you read it.

I don't normally use the the word 'warning' in anything I write but I am using it this time because I know your mind was programmed, from an early age, to pay attention to warnings. And since I want your undivided attention for a few moments, I decided to use it. Here is my warning to you:

Get into the HABIT of never making yourself WRONG for how you are thinking or feeling, in any given moment in time, otherwise you will magnetize that habit and you will unconsciously sabotage yourself over and over again. In addition, you will weaken yourself every time you are thinking or feeling in a way that you think you 'shouldn't' think or feel.

When you are thinking and feeling in ways that do not please you simple OBSERVE those thoughts and feelings and allow them to harmlessly pass you by like clouds in the sky.

It is important when you are observing 'unwanted thoughts and feelings' that you take an action in the direction of something that makes you feel good. Why?

Because taking action changes thought faster than thinking does.

Have your purchased my cutting edge book on love yet? If not, you can preview it and read the 5 STAR reviews by clicking here

Frederick Zappone

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