

Becoming the 'Powerful Person' You Knew You Could Be

Creating your FUTURE Self...

In order to create your 'future self' you must let go of your past self. You must let go of your failures, of the times you were a victim, of the times you were on the losing end of things. You must let go of all the times life did you wrong. This is important to do if, in the future, you want life to do right by you not just some of the time but all of the time.

I have a 100% success rate coaching people on becoming the powerful person they always dreamed they could become because I only coach people I know I can succeed with. My coaching fee to transform you from the person you are to becoming the powerful person you want to be is a one time fee of $600.00

If you have questions about being coached by me in regards to creating your future self, text your questions to me at 724-516-4050 (Pittsburgh, PA) and I will text answers back to you.

-- Frederick Zappone, Coach and Author of Love is All I Know -
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