

Being Anxious And Impatient For Your DREAM To Come True is a GOOD thing.. Let me explain

Being anxious and impatient for your dream to come true is a good thing because that lets you know how excited and passionate you are about your dream. That being said, don't make the mistake of looking for evidence that your dream is coming true.  It is fine to be impatient for your dream to come true. However, constantly looking for 'evidence or proof' that it is coming true is you coming from a 'fearful state of mind' which will stop your dream, dead in its tracks, from coming true.

Fearful thinking pushes what you want away from you while passion and excitement for what you want attracts it to you...

Staying in touch with your excitement and passion for your dream coming true will speed up the process of it coming true. It is not a matter of if it will come true, only when.  Let the Universe, who is working behind the scenes of your life orchestrating people and events in your favor so your dream does come true, take care of the when. I do.

Frederick Zappone,

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