

Mastering the Law of Attraction - The #1 Benefit

The #1 benefit of practicing the law of attraction until you master it, is that in the process of achieving mastery with the LOA you will take back all of the personal power you gave away to the authority figures in your life during your growing up years.

The power you gave away during you growing up years, lives on as a memory in your mind, influences your thinking today and stop you from attracting all the good things you want to yourself with effortless ease.

I'll bet you didn't know when you entertain memories from the past that make you feel bad, you are activating the LOA to attract to you people, places, events, circumstances and thoughts into your present moments of living that will make you feel as bad as you did in the past, if not worse..... That is how powerful painful memories and thoughts from your past life are when you focus your attention on them. Whatever you focus your attention on, you attract more of the same.

Instead of focusing on 'what was' from your past that you CAN NOT CHANGE, focus on what will be, what you want to experience in your future moments of living ... When you do this, you will find in a very short period of time simply by changing your focus from 'what was' to 'what will be,' your life will begin getting better with no effort at all on your part required.

All it takes for your life to get better naturally is to change your focus from what you don't want (pain, conflict and suffering) to what you DO WANT, love, health, peace, harmony, and prosperity everywhere. The thoughts you focus your attention on the most in the 'here and now' will become reality for you in the future, sooner than you think.

If you haven't already done so, check out the
and find out how it can help you master the law of attraction in your life, beginning, right now.

People are so busy surviving they don't see it is their very own
thoughts that are keeping them from prospering and thriving.

E-Mail Blog Author Frederick Zappone, Click Here

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