

Insights From a ' Spirit Guide' About The Law of Attraction.


1. Your feelings are the first physical evidence that  
you are attracting something (good or bad) into your life.

2 - There is a 'time gap' between you focusing on what you want and seeing it manifest itself into your physical reality.  While waiting,  it is important that you 'gracefully allow' the time for what you want to manifest itself in your physical reality. 

While you are waiting, expressing gratitude for what you have and/or for what you want is the best way to stay on course in regards to using the the law of attraction successfully.  Expressing gratitude for what you have guarantees you will attract more good things into your life to be grateful for..

Using Gratitude to ATTRACT what you want:

Gratitude will speed up the 'attraction process' of what you want becoming your physical reality.  Keep in mind unless you have achieved mastery using the law of attraction, what you want won't manifest itself over night, except occasionally, when you least expect it.

When using gratitude as a 'law of attraction' tool state everything in the present tense.

I am grateful 'NOW THAT' I have all the money I want.  
(phrase your gratitude this way for what you want)
I am grateful for my children. 
(phrase your gratitude this way for what you have.)

Often times, when you begin saying words of gratitude, they will not produce strong positive feelings in you. The reason for this is that when you seriously begin the gratitude practice, your 'words of gratitude' are neutralizing and dissolving many of the negative feelings you have carried around inside yourself for years. However, if you make thoughts of gratitude your predominate thoughts, until they become automatic habits of thought, soon you will feel what you are grateful for and shortly thereafter what you want will manifest itself into your physical reality.

Gratitude is the most powerful law of attraction tool of all

These LOA and Gratitude insights courtesy of,  my spirit guide,  Angela


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