

If You Believe - Ten (10) One Liners

(According to your beliefs so shall it be and it always it)

If you believe you can, you will.
If you believe you can't, you won't.
If you believe you are not lovable, you won't be.
If you believe you are not smart enough, you won't be.
If you believe you will die from your disease, you will.
If you believe you are not good enough, you never will be.
If you believe other people are against you, they will be.
If you believe money is more powerful than you are, it will be.
If you believe you have no influence over other people, you won't
If you believe other people are more powerful than you, they will be.

Whatever you believe is what becomes your REALITY.

Change your Thoughts, Change Your Reality, Click Here


1 comment:

  1. as i like to say (i didn't write this but found it on the bathroom wall at an AA meeting lol)

    if you always think what you have always thought
    you will always get what you have always got
    change your thoughts and you will change your life!!!

