

Change Your Health By Talking to the Cells of your body.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this blog post is for educational purposes only. This message is posted with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering medical advice or mental health therapy of any kind. If you have a medical condition that requires immediate attention, please contact your doctor or your local healthcare practitioner. If you decide to apply any of the information in this message to your own life, which is your constitutional right to do so, the author is not responsible for the consequences of your actions.

Each cell in your body is a unit of intelligence.  Every cell of your body has the desire to be as healthy as you, yourself, want to be. And your cells will be healthy as you want them to be if you treat them with reverence and respect  they deserve.......  and if you understand that each of your cells is an 'intelligent unit' in its own right and has the ability to respond to your most honest and loving thoughts, you are half ways home to achieving fully restored health.

To change an existing physical health condition start talking to your body in the most loving terms possible. Apologize to your body for thinking it to be less intelligent than it actually is.. 

Asking the cells in your body for forgiveness for the thoughts and actions you have taken in your life that have contributed to your existing health condition is a vital part of the healing process. 

If you ask your body questions about what you can do to support it in achieving fully restored healthy, it will answer you. After asking your body a question  **PAUSE** and  write down what the body tells you. If you don't hear the body's answer, ask it another question and write that answer down...

Talk to your body as if you were talking to someone in person.  Your body is like a country. The cells in your body are like the citizens of the country. Your body has a central government like your country does. The central government of the body is called the brain. When you ask your body questions, all the cells of your body answer and then send their collective answer to your brain so you can hear the messages of guidance and advice your body is sending your way...

Understanding how the cells of your body talk to you and what they are telling you can increase your levels of health and energy dramatically and make unwanted pain disappear from your life completely. To receive free weekly insights into how your body talks to you fill in the form below.

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