

Experiencing God without faith, dogma or doctrine (My Experience)

God is not a concept, dogma or belief that lives between our ears any more than the 'love' we feel from those who love us lives between our ears.  God is real. God is something we experience directly, not in physical form like we experience our girlfriend or boyfriend, but as a feeling, a presence.

You know you are connected to God when you feel one with yourself and everyone around you. You know you are connected to God when despite less than ideal circumstances you feel peace surround you.

You know you are connected with God when all feels right with the world even though all the evidence says nothing is right with the world.

God is heartfelt.  When the sunset moves you to tears, you are feeling the presence of God.  God is not a mystery but a living breathing experience. When we notice our heart is beating and that we breath in and out with no effort at all, we are feeling the presence of  God.

The experience of God is a delicious feeling, it is one free from stress, doubt and worry.  

God feels like cool ocean waves washing over us on a hot summer's day.  We feel God's presence when we smile back at the little baby smiling back at us.  

We feel God when we stand in in awe of the softness and beauty of the cloud overheads.

And when God works with nature,  the feeling of God's presence can overwhelm the senses.

I'm I let the Universe Do it For me...

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