

What your 'Emotional Reactions' Are Telling You.. (Article)

Every time you 'react' then act on that 'reaction' that is an ALERT signal telling you that 'fear' is running your life...  All fear is good for is making a bad situation worse and creating more fear in your life until, in worst case situations, you become afraid of everyone and everything. The worst thing about fear is that it makes you afraid of yourself, of your own thoughts and feelings. It makes you doubt and distrust yourself.

Did you know that the thoughts you think that make you feel bad (fearful) are not your thoughts at all but thoughts created by other people (such as parents, friends, teachers, ministers, the news media, etc.) to manipulate and control your thinking and behavior.  People, in position of power and authority, know that if they can make you believe in the fear based things they tell you, they control you. They control you because they know fear is a powerful motivator and the easiest way to get you to do what they want you to do and to keep you in line if you stray too far in your thinking.

These words describe fear based experiences.

anger, shyness, depression, timidity, diffidence, want of confidence; apprehensiveness, fearfulness; solicitude, anxiety, care, apprehension, misgiving;  mistrust (doubt); suspicion, qualm; hesitation., nervousness, restlessness; inquietude, disquietude; batophobia; heartquake; flutter, trepidation, fear and trembling, perturbation, tremor, quivering, shaking, trembling, throbbing heart, palpitation, ague fit, cold sweat; abject fear (cowardice); mortal funk, heartsinking, despondency; despair., fright; affright, affrightment, alarm, dread, awe, terror, horror, dismay, consternation, panic, scare, intimidation, terrorism

Dissolving Fears....
Realizing what fear had done to me, I made it my intention to dissolve the fear thoughts that entered my mind rather than giving them the power to harm me in any way.  I did just that, and from my experience of turning bad feelings into good ones, my Feeling Good Newsletter was born. 

My Feeling Good, No matter What, Newsletter is for people tired of reading negative news that put people into a bad mood. My newsletter is for people who want to thrive and prosper in all areas of their life rather than feeling worried or anxious about what is going to happen to them.

The Feeling Good newsletter is for people who want to feed their minds with thoughts that inspire them to greatest, the kind of thoughts that allow them to live the most creative and passionate life possible.

The Feeling Good Newsletter is for people who want to give up being addicted to 'bad feelings' which forces them to overeat, over-drink and take drugs as a way to comfort themselves.

The Feeling Good Newsletter contains a new way of thinking. This new way of thinking will set you free from the 'mind traps' society created that stress you out and make you feel uptight. This new way of thinking will allow you to experience yourself as the magnificent, powerful human being that you truly are.

A subscription to my newsletter normally cost $50.00 but to readers of my blog, for a limited period of time, you can subscribe to my newsletter for a one time payment of only $15.00 (24 issues)

-- Frederick Zappone

AUTHOR NOTE: In my early years, life knocked me down time and time again. Two of my children died unexpectedly, I went bankrupt twice and ended up divorced two times. I could have quit, given up. I could have even committed suicide but I didn't. Instead, I used what life threw my way to motivate myself to find a new way of thinking, a way of thinking that would set me free to create a life full of joy, inspiration, happiness and success. I did just that for myself rather than continuing to live in fear, doubt and dread.... and you can too

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Feeling Good (No Matter What) Newsletter

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Gratitude and Appreciation


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