


The Problem: Terrorist are people too, unfortunately they take themselves way too seriously and have no sense of humor at all. If they had a sense of humor they would see there is nothing funny about blowing people up.

The solution: Send our best comedians over to the Middle East to help loosen them up a bit.

Common sense tells me our comedians could be more effective with them than our politicians could ever hope to be. I mean, after all, you can't take a group of politicians who have no sense of humor either and take themselves seriously too and hope they could make the positive changes our comedians can do.

Of course, there is a bigger problem at hand and that is the terrorist's religious beliefs about what happens to them after they die. After all, it is men who make up the majority of terrorists and what do men want all the time? We all know the answer, Sex, of course!

And what are terrorists promised once they die? Seventy-two virgins, give or take a few, to have their way with them as it pleases them. The problem you see, is that terrorists are ruled by the little guy between their thighs rather than by the big guy who lives up in the sky.

Men are so damn gullible, they will do anything for you
if you promise them sex, even if it kills them! - Anonymous


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