

Dealing with Hopelessness

This article could also be titled "Victory over Depression" because the same spiritual principle that applies to eliminating hopelessness from your life also applies to depression.

There are times when circumstances in our lives cause us to feel utterly hopeless in spite of our best efforts to avoid such circumstances.

When we feel hopeless or powerless our tendency is to "resist or fight" this experience with every fiber of our being. The problem is, when we do that the intensity of our hopelessness increases. Instead of resisting it or fighting it, "RELAX" into hopelessness.

By relaxing into it, you begin to fall deeper into hopelessness which is what you want to do. You see, sometimes the only way out of hopelessness is through it.

Hopelessness has a bottom to it and when you fall through the bottom there is a net there to catch you and lift you up. This net is provided by God who doesn't want you to feel hopeless any longer than necessary or be afraid of hopelessness when you are experiencing it.

Allowing yourself to relax into hopelessness can be scary but it is not fatal. Relaxing into hopelessness is like relaxing into a "roller coaster" ride as it is about to descend downhill at breakneck speed. You can either relax into the ride or scare yourself half to death.

By choosing to RELAX into your hopelessness, you neutralize the power hopelessness has over you and discover God's safety net is there to "catch you" and lift you back up again.


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