

Pay Attention Please!

Whatever, whatever, repeated for emphasis, you PAY ATTENTION to in your life EXPANDS.

The reason sick people don't get well is they pay attention to their sickness. The reason people don't make their dreams come true is because they pay attention to failure. The reason why people have miserable lives is because they pay attention to the misery in their lives. The reason life isn't easy for so many folks is because they pay attention to difficulties in life.

The things people pay attention to EXPAND and fill up their whole life and BLINDS them to the fact that no matter how unpleasant their circumstances or how poor their health, it doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be that way if they change their FOCUS and pay attention to what they do want rather than what they don't want.

You can always tell what a person's INTENTION is by what they pay attention to!


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