

Focus on what you DO WANT!

There is a spiritual principle, that works every single time without fail, that states:

Whatever you FOCUS your ATTENTION on, in life, EXPANDS and whatever you take your FOCUS or ATTENTION off of, in life, disappears.

For example, when you FOCUS on thoughts of scarcity of money, lack of love or ill health those things EXPAND in your life and you end up having more of what you don't want or things stay the same for you. If you take your FOCUS or ATTENTION off of lack of love, scarcity of money or ill health, those things will disappear from your life.

If you have conditions in your life such as lack and scarcity of love, health or money, I suggest every time those conditions trouble you that you "write out" what it is you that "do want" to FOCUS your attention on in your life such as money in abundance, love to overflowing or fully restored health.

Writing crystallizes thought and makes your INTENTION to change FOCUS more real to you. Anything you can do that will help you take your FOCUS off of what you don't want and place your FOCUS on what you "DO WANT", will create miracles in your life.

FOCUS is magical, its power should never be underestimated.

If you master the "art of focusing" on what you DO WANT rather than what you DON'T WANT, all of your dreams will come true effortlessly.

If you use this proven writing technique to support you in CHANGING YOUR FOCUS, at first it might seem awkward or silly to you. In fact, you might not even believe this simple method will work. You don't have to believe it will work because the truth believed is a lie, you can only experience the truth. And the truth you want to experience is abundance in all areas of your life including love, health and money...

Read related messages dealing with changing your FOCUS.

Your Intention

Taking a Mental Stand

Pay Attention Please!

Focus on what you want. - Part II

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