

A Thought that RULES our Life.

There is a thought that RULES our lives. It is an unconscious thought, one that I want to bring to your attention by asking you a very thought provoking question.

Are you ruled by "what you think" other people think of you?

Think about that for a moment! Is your life ruled by "what you think" other people "think about you"? I didn't realize until this morning that many people's lives are ruled by "what they think" other people "think of them" and worst part is, people don't realize they think this way.

For example, my thinking about such subjects as God, money, love, health and relationship matters are not the traditional ways of thinking about these subjects. And although I have no problem writing about my "cutting edge" insights on these topics and sharing them with others, I have been ruled by the "unconscious thought" that folks disapprove of my writings because I don't think like they do on these important subjects.

By thinking that way, unconsciously, I have been sending energy out into the universe asking people to disapprove of my writing by not purchasing my publications and that is exactly what has happened in my life.

That self-realization has great implications in my life as a spiritual writer. I now see how I have been unconsciously visualizing people not purchasing my writings and as a result of thinking that way, people haven't been purchasing them.

Granted some people have purchased my publications but that's because I have had a conscious thought that people do approve of my writings that is not nearly as powerful as my unconscious thought that people disapprove of them. When it comes to a difference of opinion between our conscious thoughts and unconscious thoughts, unconscious thoughts RULE!

I feel a great deal of relief this morning knowing what I have been doing, on the unconscious level, that has prevented my publications from becoming bestsellers. This realization allows me to replace my "unconscious" self defeating thought with the conscious thought that people approve of my writings therefore sending good energy out into the universe that will attract people to my publication in greater numbers.


"Unconscious thoughts that do not serve us cause us pain. This is nature's way of waking us up and make us consciously aware of those thoughts that have been defeating us."

Once we are aware of thoughts that have been defeating us, it is easy to replace them with conscious thoughts that allow us to be victorious."

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