

What are Negative Thoughts, really?

Negative thoughts are "unconscious beliefs" running on automatic pilot that are outside your "conscious control". We also have positive thoughts that run on automatic pilot, outside our conscious control, but those thoughts serve us while negative thoughts do not.

For example, positive thoughts running on automatic pilot that serves us are thoughts that allow us to brush our teeth, drive a car, playing the piano without consciously thinking about each little step involved in doing those things.

Thoughts running on automatic pilot that stop you from having what you want are thoughts people label as negative. Any negative thought you can not stop thinking about is a thought running on automatic pilot.

Being afraid of negative thoughts BLINDS you. This blindness prevents you from becoming fully conscious of the thoughts that are defeating you and preventing you from achieving what you want. The MOMENT you become "fully conscious of a negative thought", it loses all power over you instantly. On the other hand, fighting with or resisting your negative thoughts increases there power over you.

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