

Go ahead, Give up, it's okay!

One of the little known secrets to making your dreams come true is to "give up" from time to time.

When you give up, you are not giving up, like in defeat, you are giving UP your frustrations, disappointments and not knowing what to do next to the "higher power" within you...

The moment I feel like I want to give up, I Give UP......I do that several times a week. Giving UP takes the pressure off of me.... and allows me to enjoy life while the "organizing intelligence of the universe", that I call God, is busy working behind the scenes, opening doors and bring people into my life that allow me to move forward on my journey to making my dreams come true.

When I give UP and go play I release my opposition to not knowing what to do next. When I come back to my projects, new insights flood my mind about the ways I can dissolve any roadblock or obstacle that is between me and making my projects a success.

The next time you feeling like giving up, Give UP, you will be glad you did!

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