

The Hunger of the Soul....

People have a hunger in their souls they want satisfied. That hunger is to know that they are okay the way they are. The truth is, you are OKAY the way you are. You always have been. The trouble is you keep comparing yourself to others and never feel okay with the way you are.

Comparison is a trap. The purpose of comparison is to make us feel better or worse at the expense of other people. The "road of comparison" is a dead-end alley that never allows us to fully accept ourselves as God accepts us, perfect in every way...

Do not allow other people to set standards for you about how you should look, what you should think or how you should feel and you will discover that you are, indeed, perfect exactly the way you are.

Do you get it? You are perfect in every way! If you drop comparing yourself with others, you will get it instantly!

"Why compare yourself to others when none can compare to you?"


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