

The "Don't Want" Syndrome

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to eat too much, the more you eat too much?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to smoke, the more you smoke?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want the lack of money, the more lack of money you experience in your life?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to be lonely, the lonelier you are?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to be unhappy, the unhappier you are?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to live alone, the longer you live alone?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to be sick, the more often you are sick?

Have you ever noticed the more you don't want to try too hard, the harder you try.

These conditions are a result of using the "law of attraction" in reverse.

Whatever we FOCUS our attention on in life EXPANDS. When we focus on what we "don't want" we attract into our lives what we don't want because that is where our ATTENTION is. Our attention is on "lack and scarcity" rather than on "abundance and prosperity".

Focus is the spiritual tool that attracts into our lives what "we do" or "don't want" depending on what we focus our attention on. It is an unchangeable law of the universe and nothing will change in our lives until we change our focus from our "don't wants" to our "do wants."

Focus on your DO WANTS exclusively and leave your DON'T WANTS alone... Any attention you pay to your "don't wants" only results in having more of what you "don't want" in your life.

A simple change of FOCUS, will change your life from one of scarcity and lack to one of abundance and prosperity in a blink of an eye.

Focus on the love you want; see it, feel it in your mind's eye.
Focus on the money you want; see it, feel it in your mind's eye.
Focus on the health you want; see it, feel it in your mind's eye.

Whatever you consistently focus your attention on in life will become your reality, it can be no other way because that is the way the "law of attraction" works.

As a matter of information, there is condition known as "wanting something too much." When we want something too much, that longing or yearning is coming from our fear that we will never have what we want and as a result we never do...

Wanting something too much is one fear that you must love with your whole heart and soul in order for that fear to dissolve from your life effortlessly. Once it dissolves, what you want will become your reality with no effort at all.

Whatever you dislike or hate about yourself persists in your life. If you make yourself wrong for wanting something too much, the fear behind your wanting persists. However, you can make that fear dissolve by loving it to death. You can literally love the fear out of existence and once that happens, life will become very magical for you.

Anything you dislike or hate about yourself has power over you. However, when you love what you dislike or hate about yourself, it disappears from your life because nothing unpleasant can continue to exist in your life when exposed to Love's LIGHT.


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