

Opposition Thoughts

You, yes you my friend, are a magnificent,
powerful, lovable person exactly the way you are!

Opposition Thoughts:

"He doesn't know me, how can he say that???"

"If he really knew me, he would see I am anything but magnificent, powerful and lovable."

"I have so many faults it is not possible for me to be the way he says I am."

The whole purpose of "opposition thoughts" is to cut you off from experiencing the love inside of you that has been there since the day of your birth. Opposition thoughts are lies you believe about yourself taught to you by your ancestors.

If you think thoughts in opposition to love, it is only a habit of thought you picked up from other people, during your growing up years, who didn't see themselves as the magnificent, powerful, lovable people they are. A habit of thought that makes you feel negative, in any way, can easily be replaced with a habit of thought that makes you feel positive in all ways.

A habit of thought is formed by repeatedly think a thought over and over again. After a period of time an idea you thought about, over and over again, goes on automatic pilot and that is when it becomes a habitual thought.

If you have a habit of thought, you acquired during your growing up years, that makes you feel less than the magnificent, powerful, lovable person that you are, replace it with a new habit of thought that lifts you up, inspires you and gets in touch with what an incredible, one of a kind, loving, caring human being you truly are.


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