

Programming - Voices in our Head

Everyone has voices in their head. They have the voices of their mother, father, aunts, uncles, friends, teachers, ministers, relatives, strangers, doctors, news broadcasters, columnists, politicians, opinion makers, etc. Some of these voices are kind and loving and others are critical and abusive....

These voices in our heads are part of our programming. It is information programmed into our minds since the day we were born. Most of the programming is harmless and yet there are some negative voices in our heads that can rule our lives, if we let them...

Most people are unaware of what these negative voices are actually saying to them but you can know what they are saying to you by what you are FEELING in any given moment of time.

Take a moment and notice what you are FEELING. Feelings are a reflection of the voices in your head. These reflections can be the voices of others or your own repeating what others programmed into your head during your growing up years.

Good feelings represent the kind, loving, non-judgmental voices in our head. Bad feelings represent the critical, abusive, judgmental voices in our head.

Negative voices have the most power over us when we first wake up in the morning, late at night or when we are overly tired and stressed out. Negative voices are also the loudest and that's why negative thoughts often times FEEL more real to us than positive ones.

Negative thoughts/voices are loud, harsh, abusive, critical and judgmental and it is easy to let these obnoxious voices rule our lives, not because they are true but because they are LOUD and OBNOXIOUS....

Negative voices in our head make us feel anxious, jittery and insecure... Positive voices make us feel calm, centered, powerful and in control.

Positive thoughts/voices are soft and gentle. In order for those thoughts to rule your life and guide you to the fulfillment of your heart's desires, you must FOCUS on them....and ignore, pay no attention at all to the LOUD, OBNOXIOUS voices and thoughts in your head that are stopping you from having what you want...

This would be a good time to read or re-read the article titled: Focus on what you DO WANT! It deals with the spiritual principle of creating what you want that works every single time without fail.


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