

Thrive, Flourish and Prosper

People are brought up to survive in life, not thrive, prosper and flourish. As a result, most people survive, get by, make do, put up with, tolerate, and reluctantly accept circumstances that are far from being what they would like them to be.

Loving yourself EXACTLY as you are without changing one thing about yourself will move you from a life of survival, scarcity and lack to one of prosperity in abundance, in all areas of your life. beyond your wildest dreams.

Can you do that, love yourself exactly as you are without changing one thing about yourself? Yes, I know there are things about yourself that you would like to change. Did you know that if you love yourself exactly as you are, without changing one thing about you, the things you want to change about yourself, will change naturally, with no effort or struggle on your part required?

Loving yourself exactly as you are is accepting the way you are in each and every moment of the now without judging yourself in any way.

The miracles that will come your way when you stop judging yourself will amaze, delight, astonish and astound you. That's how powerful your thoughts are when you stop judging yourself in any way.

The concept of survival is based on the mistaken belief that we live in a hostile universe with only moments of safety. People who thrive and flourish, in all areas of life, know they live in a "user friendly" universe, that is very safe, with only moments of danger.


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