


In the SLE messages that many of you received, Message #9 states:

"Honesty is the fertile soil in which love grows and flourishes. Being honest with yourself and God is all that is required in order for you to begin experiencing love's power flowing into your life in abundance."

Here is the rub, people aren't honest with themselves and that's why their connection to their Higher Power (HP) is not as powerful as it could be. People aren't honest with themselves because they discovered early on in life, when they were honest, they were punished for it.

Remember the time, as a little kid, when you told the truth and got punished for it? This has happened to all of us. As a result, we learned that telling the truth could be dangerous to our health.

This experience of being punished for telling the truth made us get into the habit of unconsciously lying to ourselves so we could lie to others without feeling guilty about it. The problem is when we unconsciously lie to ourselves, we disable ourselves.

Here is how to know when you are telling the truth to yourself and your HP.

When you tell the truth to yourself and your HP, you feel positive, light and bright. When you are lying to yourself and your HP you feel negative, dark and somber and if you are doing a really good job at lying to yourself you will feel very depressed.

The truth is not always pretty, sometimes it is down right ugly but telling the truth to ourselves and our HP works because it sets us free from the "mind traps", that disable us, that we slip into from time to time.


Truth sets us free and connects us to our HP, lies imprison us within the thoughts of our own mind and cut us off from our connection to our HP.



  1. I agree.

    But it's not admitting the truth that hurts. It's accepting it.

    That hurts more.

  2. Raya, Thank you so much for posting your comment. Why do you say "accepting" the truth hurts more?
