

Health Problems: Yours & Others

All pain in the body is trapped energy. It is the "life force" trapped inside our physical cells. When the energy (the life force) is flowing freely in the body, there is neither pain or physical illness.

Pain is caused by "resisting" what we are experiencing (feeling) in the moment. When we quit resisting our unpleasant feelings, we release them and pain in the body dissolves instantly and allows the body to return to a state of fully restored health, naturally.

When we are worried about another person's health condition, we are feeding them negative energy that slows down the process of them healing themselves in partnership with the Power behind all things.

When you see someone having "health problems", do not weaken them by focusing on their health problems too. Instead, see the person the way you want to see them; happy, healthy and carefree and that will be the "healing difference" in that person's life.

Related link:

Dis-ease: The Gift


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