

Love Without Exception

The easiest way to create the love you want in your life is to love everything about yourself without exception. Love and approve of every single thing about yourself and ignore that unceasing "mind chatter" that tells you otherwise.

Here's the thing, criticizing or disapproving of yourself, in any way, only makes matters worse and pushes away from you the love you want...

Any critical or disapproving thoughts that enter your mind about yourself should be used as a signal to love and approve of every single thing about yourself without exception.

It is bad enough when things go wrong, don't injure yourself twice by disapproving and being critical of yourself after the fact. Criticizing and disapproving of yourself won't change what happened and only sends a signal to the universe that you don't believe you are deserving of the love you want.

If you learn anything at all from reading this article, love everything about yourself without exception. Love your weaknesses and shortcomings to death and you will literally love them out of existence, that is how powerful thoughts of love are. - Frederick Zappone

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