

The Magical Attitude

In my Spiritual Reflections Handbook, in the section titled: A Pocketful of Instant Wisdom, there is a bit of wisdom that goes like this:

"Expressing sincere prayers of GRATITUDE for what we have, guarantees that we will have more".

I find, in a very practical way, the magical attitude is one of gratitude...

When we are grateful for what we have, we are FOCUSING on what we want more of. If our FOCUS is on what we don't have, that focus attracts into our life more of the things we don't want.

Often times, people have a hard time being grateful for what they have because, in many cases, people don't have what they really want and because they don't, to be quite frank, people are silently "p*ssed off about it.

Expressing words of gratitude without being sincere about it will not bring us more of what we do want. We may be able to fool other people, from time to time, but we can't fool the "organizing intelligence of the universe."

This "intelligence," a spark of which lives inside each and every one of us, operates off our "sincere thoughts." And it leaves our "insincere thoughts" alone for us to figure out what we are going to do with them.

Years ago, when I started the practice of gratitude, I found I didn't have anything in my life I really wanted and so it was difficult for me to be grateful for anything. Yes, I had lots of things but it wasn't the things I wanted, it was the things other people wanted for me....

That realization woke me up... I didn't know, until that moment, that I was a "butt kissing", "people pleasing" person. I was so busy pleasing other people all the time that I neglected myself entirely and violated the second great spiritual principle:

"Love your neighbor as much as yourself, NOT more than yourself, and all good things will be added you"

With these newly found "insights", I start looking for the small things I could sincerely be grateful for. The more I practiced gratitude for the small things, in my life, the more things showed up in my life that I could truly be grateful for until the small things I expressed gratitude for started turning into the big things that I truly wanted. That is how powerful the "magical attitude of gratitude" is when we practice it with sincerity.

To Get Started with the Sincere Practice of Gratitude:

What are you sincerely grateful for in this moment of time. Post the things you are grateful for, right now, by clicking on the comment link at the end of this message. You can post your "grateful" comments anonymously if you so desire.


Personally, I am most grateful for an uncondtional, All loving God who has never given up on me and always forgives me, instantly, for the mistakes I make. A God who has blessed me with the ability to share with others, through my writings, what I know about spiritual matters that enables people to strengthen themselves in all ways; mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially as well. - Frederick Zappone

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for everything You giving me and specially for the followings:Health,Job, Beautiful wife Maryse Pierre-Louis,Peace on the Job,Good Supervisors on the Job,Good co-worker,We are getting along fine,Peace at my house and in the neighbourhood I live in,Happynesse.
