

Problem Solving Made Easy - Part III

In the article titled Problem Solving Made Easy - Part I I talked about the benefits of leaving your problems alone and the miraculous results that happen when you do.

However, there is a great temptation to not let our problems alone.... The temptation to think about our problems, worry about them and, in worst case situations, literally, make ourselves physically sick over our problems can be overpowering. You must recognize this "temptation" if you want to be able to leave your problems alone and have them disappear, from your life, with effortless ease.

We love our problems. We think it is normal to worry about them and make ourselves sick over them. It seems normal because that is what the majority of people do. However, just because that is what the majority of the people do, that doesn't mean that is what you have to do....

The trick to leaving your problems alone is finding something to do that is more interesting, compelling, powerful and attractive to you than your problems are. If you don't have something to do that interests you more than your problems, you will mess with your problems forever and they will persist forever.

In my own life, the one thing that interests me more than all the problems that show up in my life is discovering and sharing spiritual insights with folks that makes life easier for them. Problems disappear from my life with effortless ease because I focus on what I love doing and the rest I leave alone.

Focus exclusively on what you love doing, what you are passionate about and every single one of your problems will melt away from your life with no effort at all.

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