Do you remember the game you played as a kid called HOT/COLD?
It went this way. You would close your eyes and your friends would hide an object in the room. After you opened your eyes, you had to find the object.
If you were getting close to the object they would tell you that you were getting warmer. If you were moving further away from the object they would tell you that you were getting colder.
If you were on top of the object, they would yell HOT and if you were as far away from the object as you could get, they would yell COLD.
Our feelings work the some way. When we are accurately going in the direction of what our heart desires, we feel positive, warmer. When we are moving further away from what we want, we feel negative, colder.
Our feelings are our internal, infallible, cosmic compass that will lead us to the desires of our heart when we pay attention to them. Good feelings tell us we are headed direction of what we want and bad feelings tell us we are moving further away from what we want.
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