

Attraction Magnet II

Your feelings attract people, events and circumstances to you.. People normally do not think of their feelings as "cosmic magnets" but they are. If you don't believe me, look at who and what you are attracted too. You are attracted to singers, actors, muscians, sports stars and entertainers that turn you on and make you feel good about yourself, that is the "attraction magnet" at work....

The "attraction magnet" works with everything including whether or not you attract love, sickness or money into your life. Many people don't believe they "attract" those things, into their lives, especially disease. They think disease hits people randomly and so for those people it does. Those people have their "attraction magnet" set on "RANDOM so it skips cancer for them but they attract a stroke or heart attack.

Feeling Good about yourself is not only the most important thing, it is the only thing. If you worked on maintaining a high level of feeling good about yourself day in and day out, you will attract into your life the very best people, events and circumstances for yourself that you can, all the time, everytime, guaranteed.

Your feelings are the COSMIC MAGNET that attract all people and events to you.

Click on related links:

Trust Your Feelings
Becoming an Attraction Magnet..


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