

Your Magical Guidance System...

I call the guidance system magical because it works all the time, every time, without fail. The guidance system is your feelings. Good feelings means your thoughts are taking you in the direction of the things you want. Bad feelings means your thoughts are taking you in the opposite direction, away from the things you want.

The guidance system is easy to use except for people who are in the habit of trusting their bad feelings more than their good ones. The people who trust their bad feelings more than their good ones attract all kinds of unpleasant folks, circumstances and events into their life and then wonder why life is such a struggle for them.

For people who want to break the habit of trusting their bad feelings more than their good ones, I suggest using the 'One Magnificent Thought' on a regular basis. This powerful thought will strengthen you mentally, so you are less affected by the negative people around you, and help you keep your focus on attracting the things you do want rather than the things you don't want.

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