

Your FEELINGS are Everything....

What's more important, my thoughts or my feelings?

Answer: What you feel is always more important than what you think.

Question: Why do you say that?

Answer: Because your feelings are always telling you the directions your thoughts are taking you. Good feelings means your thoughts are taking you in the direction you want to go. Bad feelings means your thoughts are take you away from where you want to go....

When you are in your head trying to figure things out you are cut off from your feelings and have no idea whether the thoughts you thinking are taking you in the direction you want to go.

To verify whether the thoughts you are thinking are taking you in the direction you want to go, stop and ask yourself if the thoughts you are thinking make you feel good about yourself.

If they do make you feel good about yourself, continue thinking them and if they don't, shift your thoughts to ones that do make you feel good about yourself.

For those of you looking for 'real life' support in feeling good most of the time, the 'One Magnificent Thought' will do just that for you. To learn more about the One Magnificent Thought, click here

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