

Being Happy for No Reason.

Little children come into this world being happy for no reason at all. Over time, society trains them to be unhappy for many reasons. Once successfully trained, society then promises them happiness if they buy this or that, have this or that or do this or that.

Making our happiness dependent on anything outside ourselves keeps us stuck riding the unhappiness/happiness roller coaster ride of life. When we get what we want we are happy, when we don't get what we want we are unhappy.

Funny thing is when we are happy for no reason at all other than we like feeling happy, good things happen to us with much more frequency than when we are in an unhappy state of mind.

If you want to be happy for no reason I highly recommend the book titled: Happy For No Reason By Marci Shimoff. The author interviewed 100 happy people who have the ability to be happy for no reason at all. The insights in the book about happiness are amazing and before you know it you, too, will be happy for no reason at all. For more information about the book, click on the picture link below.

1 comment:

  1. The book is an absolute masterpiece, it is so conclusive and so well structured that if you are willing to try out the steps recommended there for a week or two you have all the chances to succeed to becoming permanently happy.
